First of all, Momo broke her wrist a few days ago, so Robert wanted to make her a sign, and he did, but since I'm a slacker, I just now took the picture. We hope you feel better Momo!

I don't think you can tell from these pictures, but Robert has a rash. We went to the doctor this morning, because in the space of 24 hours, the rash had spread from the top of his head all the way down to his knees. Turns out it's some kind of viral rash. The doctor said not to worry about it unless something major changes, i.e. he gets a high fever, the spots start oozing, etc. They don't seem to bother him, which is good. Also, with his clothes on, he weighs 19lbs, 4oz. He's getting to be a chunk!
My little man is going to be crawling soon, look at this: