Robert turned 11 months old yesterday. I can't believe my little man is almost a year old! There's really not much to update on since the last time. Just this:
These aren't his very first steps. He took those yesterday, and caught both of us by surprise. Now, if he's already standing up, he'll take as many steps as he can (until he falls down) and then he'll crawl. Earlier tonight he walked almost across the living room without falling. He started too once, but steadied himself and then continued on.
Today he figured out that if he drags his fingers across the screen of my iPhone, stuff happens. So I let him play Bejeweled for a little bit, and he got 220 points!
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Must I do this? I'd rather be eating his ear. |
We think his ear infection is getting better. His nose isn't stuffy/runny anymore, although he does have a little rattle and cough sometimes. Some days he acts like he's all better and others, not so much.