It's been a busy few weeks here. There have been quite a few "firsts" for Robert. He's standing on his own now. Not only that, but can stand up in the middle of the floor without pulling up on anything like a pro! Very seldom, he'll take a quick step on his own before falling down, so I think that walking is probably just around the corner. He started clapping and waving (when it suits him). Within the last few days, he's started giving "fives". Just this morning, he figured out how to open the cabinet all the way, so we let him play around with the pots inside, and he had quite a time throwing them on the floor. They made such a lovely loud noise! We took him to a park for the first time. I wanted to find some swings, but after going to three different playgrounds, we gave up and took him down the slide instead.
Whee! |
He also figured out his sippy cup, and watching him use it is sometimes hilarious. Instead of just flipping the cup around if it's upside-down, he'll twist his arms around, and ends up looking like a little Robert pretzel. Of course, he wouldn't do it so that I could take a picture of it. Silly baby.
Mmm, water! |
This here is my sippy cup. |
We went to the doctor yesterday to find out that Robert has another raging ear infection (in both ears), in spite of the fact that he'd been on antibiotics for the last 6 days. So she prescribed yet a different antibiotic (for those keeping count, this is number 3), and we have an appointment to go back in two weeks. I'm starting to wonder if we shouldn't go ahead and see a pediatric ENT about some tubes.
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