Saturday, December 11, 2010


This is what happens when you let the baby see himself on the screen while you film!

Wow, it really has been awhile! In my defense though, Robert's been sick for the last three weeks. First he had a wicked fever, congestion, and an ear infection. We went on 10 days of antibiotics, and thought all was well, only to be awoken at 1:30 in the morning two days later with a screaming baby that couldn't sleep unless he was sitting up. Turns out, the ear infection had not only come back, but it was worse than before and in both ears. So we get the "new" antibiotic (the doctor told us she was prescribing something stronger), go get it, come back home, and realize that it's the EXACT same thing. So after most of a day going around in circles with the nurse, we got the new prescription. Robert seems to be doing much better now. We have an appointment this coming Tuesday to make sure everything is in order.

Back before Thanksgiving, we went to Sears to get Christmas pictures taken. Robert did absolutely wonderful, smiling and having a good time. We just got them back, and here's a preview!

Merry Christmas from Santa Robert!
Too much egg nog!
Okay, so maybe that last one isn't stellar, but it's funny. I giggle every time I see it. He's actually in the process of falling backwards, but don't worry, his Daddy was right there to catch him!

I'm gonna get me a flower!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Here it is! The long awaited (it's been almost 5 hours!) 8 month photo! He's looking very snazzy in his polar bear shirt, if I do say so myself.


Can you believe it? It's December already! It's also Robert's 8 month birthday. This month, he celebrates it with a very special person, Miss Tammy! She took some wonderful pictures of Robert when he was 4.5 months old, and we were in GA, so Robert wanted to make her a sign. Happy Birthday Miss Tammy!
This is so exciting!

Since it's the Christmas season, we broke out his new Christmas jammies (Thanks Nana!). You can't see them too well in this picture, but trust me, they're cute. There's a reindeer on the front, a reindeer on the butt, and little reindeer for feet. I'll try and get a better picture later.

Robert's 8 month picture will be incoming soon! We'll be showing off some of the new wardrobe that Gramma sent us!