Tuesday, January 25, 2011


This is one of the funniest things he's ever done. His daddy had never seen it, so I was trying and trying to get it on film and here it is!

Happy Birthday!

It's Grandpoppy's birthday, yay! Happy Birthday! Robert made you a sign, and then smiled real big for the picture so you could see his teeth! We hope you have the best birthday ever!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


All his favorite things right here in this video. Banging on the window, saying "dadadada" and playing with his xbox controller (we have one that wasn't working, so we let him have it so he could "play" with daddy).

Saturday, January 8, 2011


So, we found out recently, that Robert does not like broccoli with cheese, and this video is proof. I promise he isn't choking, he's trying to push the food out of his mouth. I actually think he might be ok with broccoli given time, it was the chunky carrots that was giving him trouble. See, Robert doesn't like chunky things in his smooth things. He's got some green beans with rice that I thought he'd have no problem with, since he likes just green beans, and we put rice cereal in his food all the time, but he just doesn't like chunks in his purees. He wants his purees to be smooth and his chunks, well, chunky. He's also recently started feeding himself which is fun. I have to be sure that I limit the number of puffs I put down for him, otherwise he starts seeing how many he can shove in his mouth at once.

For Christmas, Robert also got a new toy box. It's new to him anyway. His Great Grandfather (Grandpoppy), made it for me when I was little, and refurbished it for Robert. We put it out in the living room (since that's where all Robert's toys are anyway), and he's already figured out how it works! Well, mostly, we left the lid up for him.

Hmm, what to choose?

I'll just reach down in here...

Ah ha! This is perfect!

Robert had his nine month well baby check on Wednesday. He's 21 pounds, 4 ounces, and 29 inches long. That's 62nd percentile on weight and 75th on height. He also has another ear infection. At least this time though, she started us on the super antibiotic so we don't have to go through the amoxicillin not working again. OH! I can't believe I forgot! Robert has teeth! That's right, not tooth, teeth. The bottom two are through, and Dr. Albert said the top two are about ready.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year! 2010 just disappeared, didn't it? These last few weeks especially went by quickly. We were so busy, Robert especially. He's always busy now. He's always into something, or everything. It's amazing how babies can be into everything at once. And if he's not into everything, he's not happy. It's one of the reasons I haven't posted, he keeps me so busy I don't have time to take pictures, much less post them on the internet. Well, that and the fact that he just will not sit still for it.

I sat him beside the tree, he crawled under it.
He was only in this position for .329 seconds, and luckily, I caught it!
Also, Robert is 9 months old today! He's getting so big! This last month, he went on his first long car ride, and did very well. He got a tooth, and is currently trying to get another one, and it's giving him fits. He got sick for the first time, and is now sick again (poor baby). He's said "mama", though only once, so I'm starting to think it was a fluke. He mainly says mamamama when he's screaming, which isn't very nice for me, but he babbles dadadadada all the time. Just last week he stood up without support all by himself. He had fun at Christmas tearing the paper off of everything and then eating it. I think his favorite so far is the Lil' Zoomers Spinnin' Sounds Speedway that Santa brought him. He's playing with it as I type this, and it took him all of a day to figure out how it worked. He loves all the books he got, he thinks they taste great! He also likes the Stride to Ride Dinosaur that Momo got him, especially when Daddy pushes him around the house on it.

This is what most of my recent pictures look like.

About the above picture: His daddy was there to catch him, I didn't just let him dive off the chair.