Saturday, December 11, 2010


This is what happens when you let the baby see himself on the screen while you film!

Wow, it really has been awhile! In my defense though, Robert's been sick for the last three weeks. First he had a wicked fever, congestion, and an ear infection. We went on 10 days of antibiotics, and thought all was well, only to be awoken at 1:30 in the morning two days later with a screaming baby that couldn't sleep unless he was sitting up. Turns out, the ear infection had not only come back, but it was worse than before and in both ears. So we get the "new" antibiotic (the doctor told us she was prescribing something stronger), go get it, come back home, and realize that it's the EXACT same thing. So after most of a day going around in circles with the nurse, we got the new prescription. Robert seems to be doing much better now. We have an appointment this coming Tuesday to make sure everything is in order.

Back before Thanksgiving, we went to Sears to get Christmas pictures taken. Robert did absolutely wonderful, smiling and having a good time. We just got them back, and here's a preview!

Merry Christmas from Santa Robert!
Too much egg nog!
Okay, so maybe that last one isn't stellar, but it's funny. I giggle every time I see it. He's actually in the process of falling backwards, but don't worry, his Daddy was right there to catch him!

I'm gonna get me a flower!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Here it is! The long awaited (it's been almost 5 hours!) 8 month photo! He's looking very snazzy in his polar bear shirt, if I do say so myself.


Can you believe it? It's December already! It's also Robert's 8 month birthday. This month, he celebrates it with a very special person, Miss Tammy! She took some wonderful pictures of Robert when he was 4.5 months old, and we were in GA, so Robert wanted to make her a sign. Happy Birthday Miss Tammy!
This is so exciting!

Since it's the Christmas season, we broke out his new Christmas jammies (Thanks Nana!). You can't see them too well in this picture, but trust me, they're cute. There's a reindeer on the front, a reindeer on the butt, and little reindeer for feet. I'll try and get a better picture later.

Robert's 8 month picture will be incoming soon! We'll be showing off some of the new wardrobe that Gramma sent us!

Friday, November 26, 2010


It's Birthday week in the Henderson family! Today's birthday belongs to Paw! Happy Birthday Paw!

I'm so happy it's Paw's birthday!

Today Robert went Black Friday shopping with his Daddy. Mommy was very happy, because she got to sleep. Then they came home and the whole family went to Sears to look for holiday village pieces, and then we decided to go to Toys-R-Us (big mistake). We had one thing we wanted to get, but when we realized the line was wrapped ALL THE WAY around the store (no lie, there were arrows on the floor telling people which way to queue), we put our one thing down and left. It'll most likely be there next week.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


I don't want to be happy!
We told Robert to have a happy Thanksgiving, and this is what he had to say. Pretty accurate, actually. He was really good most of the day (he even took a 2.5 hour nap early this afternoon), but when we sat down to eat, he decided he was done being happy, and wanted to scream and be fussy the rest of the afternoon/night.

Overall though, we had a good day. We had fun cooking (Joab helped!) and watching football. For our Turkey Day, we didn't have turkey at all, but Cornish game hens. For sides, we had macaroni and cheese, dressing, green bean casserole, deviled eggs, and rolls. Robert had sweet potatoes and corn.
Our spread!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Monday, November 22, 2010


It looks like I caught him at the beginning of "happy". Today is Aunt Bekkah's birthday, yay! Hope it's a good one!

We took Robert to the doctor this morning after his fever spiked to 103.8 last night. This morning it was down to 101.7, and by the time we got to the doctor, he didn't have a fever. It turns out that not only does he have a sinus infection, he also has an ear infection. Poor boy. The doctor prescribed him amoxicillin. She said she was faxing it right then, but when we got to the pharmacy an hour and a half later, they hadn't even received it yet. I'm a tad irritated, especially since I was told the nurse would be back by two, and it's now three and I still haven't heard anything.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


We'll just say that face is because he's singing.
Today is Papa's birthday. Papa is Mommy's daddy. He's turning, well, he's turning a year older :). Happy Birthday Papa!

On a not so happy note, Robert is sick. For the very first time in his life, he's got a fever and a runny nose. He's been sneezing and coughing a little, but I'm pretty sure that's from drainage. If I had to guess, he's working on a sinus infection. He's handling it pretty well though. He's a little bit fussier than normal and is fighting sleep much more than usual, but other than that, he's been pretty happy. Here's to hoping he gets to feeling better soon!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Oh, you've got a camera?
I think I'll just mosey on over.

I'm gonna get the camera!!


Where's the baby? I swore he was in this picture.
It's almost impossible to get him to sit still long enough to take a picture. As soon as he sees me take out the camera, he's after me. The picture above is the one picture out of fifteen or so that I took last night that has him sitting.

This is what he does whenever we put him in the playpen. It's pretty hilarious.

Friday, November 12, 2010


I finally, finally got a video of him crawling! The amazing thing is that he saw the camera and crawled towards me anyway!

At first, we thought Robert was practicing kissing. Turns out he was eating the wall, as evidenced by the burp at the end.

Monday, November 8, 2010


He doesn't do it much in this video, but Robert is crawling! He doesn't seem to want to do it much when I have the video camera out. Anyway, today is "laugh-every-time-Mommy-looks-at-me" day, which is hilarious. Even Robert thinks so when he watches the videos!


 And last, but certainly not least, I fail at birthdays! Yesterday was Aunt Katie's birthday, and we didn't get the picture up for her. Robert was very insistent today however, so here it is!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I am seven months old!
I wonder what's out there.
 Robert is seven months old! Yesterday. I'm a day late, but I posted pictures the day before and the day after, does that make up for it? We went to the doctor this morning so that he could get the second half of his flu shot, and would you believe that he didn't cry one bit! Not one little sound. I didn't even know she'd given him the shot.

Solids are going really well. So far the clear favorite is apples, but he's pretty fond of the sweet potatoes and corn. He likes green beans and squash ok. He's finally rolling over like a champ, from back to front anyway. He can roll front to back, he just prefers not to. He can click his tongue, and thinks it's hilarious when Mommy does it. He can spin in circles when he's sitting, and he's able to inch across the floor on his stomach. He'll be crawling soon, he's already able to take a few "steps" when he's on all fours. He tries to chase Mommy, and Daddy, and Jake, when we walk away, but can't quite and it frustrates him. He likes talking to people on the phone, but somehow always manages to hang up on them. His favorite noises to make are screeching and raspberries, with laughing coming in a close third!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Happy Halloween! We had a costume for Robert. It was a pea pod. But when we tried to put him in it, he was too big! Joab and I were sad. Robert seemed to be glad, he didn't enjoy us trying to put the costume on him. Being so late in the game, when we looked for another costume, there were none to be found. So instead, we got him a shirt with Frankenstein's Monster on it, and he's still cute!
Nice Jack-o-lantern. *pet pet*

I sure do love me some Halloween!
Don't make fun of my pumpkin. I worked hard on it, and am very sensitive about the fact that his eyes are lopsided!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Jenny the Donkey
Poor goat, she was stuck. :(

Feeding the llama!
They had a really neat place set up for photo ops.
I was only kidding, Ms. Scarecrow, I wasn't going to eat it.

Look at all the pumpkins!

Hay Maze!!
Today we went to the Elgin Christmas Tree Farm to see their pumpkin patch. They had a lot of stuff to do, way more than we expected them to have since this weekend wasn't one of their Pumpkin Festival weekends. There was a petting zoo, a hay ride, three different mazes, a few playgrounds, and a couple of little stores. Robert was really good, he had fun looking at all the different things. He especially liked the hay ride, because he got to look at a bunch of stuff!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Well, yesterday was Uncle Caleb's birthday! I got a new computer though, and forgot to get one with a card reader on it, so these had to wait until I went and bought one. So here it is! Happy Birthday, Uncle Caleb!
 Gramma got Robert this outfit, and he's now big enough to wear it! We'd been waiting somewhat impatiently because we really liked this outfit.
Yeah, I'm standing, what of it?!

Thanks Gramma!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


First of all, Momo broke her wrist a few days ago, so Robert wanted to make her a sign, and he did, but since I'm a slacker, I just now took the picture. We hope you feel better Momo!

I don't think you can tell from these pictures, but Robert has a rash. We went to the doctor this morning, because in the space of 24 hours, the rash had spread from the top of his head all the way down to his knees. Turns out it's some kind of viral rash. The doctor said not to worry about it unless something major changes, i.e. he gets a high fever, the spots start oozing, etc. They don't seem to bother him, which is good. Also, with his clothes on, he weighs 19lbs, 4oz. He's getting to be a chunk!

My little man is going to be crawling soon, look at this:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010


I loves me some pack-n-play!

I really like my new outfit!

Thanks Auntie Jill!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Aren't I cute in my Sports Prison jammies and my hat?
Look! I figured out what a pillow is for!
Oh, like you've never chewed on a sock before.

Mmmm, carrots!
So yummy I keep some on my nose for later!

Friday, October 1, 2010


Today is Robert's half birthday! That's right, he's 6 months old. To commemorate the day, we went to the doctor and got some shots. Then we came home and were cranky for the rest of the day. Poor baby, it breaks my heart when he doesn't feel good, and you can definitely tell that he doesn't feel good today. He also got his flu shot, and we have to go back in four weeks to get the second dose. Now for the important part, the stats: Robert is now a whopping 18 lbs, 7 oz. A far cry from the 5lbs, 10 oz he weighed when he was born. He's also 26.5 inches long, and has gained 1 cm in the circumference of his head.

Doctor's visits are hard work!
We got home from the doctor, and he was just a-talkin', all the sudden he got quiet. Turns out, he had talked himself to sleep.

I'm six months old today!

This is my CRAZY SMILE!

Here's Pooh Bear, he's my friend.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Robert learned a new skill!

Toes are yummy!