Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Robert learned a new skill!

Toes are yummy!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Look at what we did today!!!

The Aftermath:

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Today is a very special day. Why? It's Momo's birthday, that's why! Robert did what Robert does, and made her a sign. Hope you like it, Momo!
Hmm, what's this?
As usual, if I give him something, he's far too occupied trying to get it into his mouth to look at me and be cute so I can take a picture. But we tried!
Something for me to eat!
This is where I took the sign away. Okay, not really. But I had it off to the side and I was shaking it and this picture makes me laugh so hard my sides hurt. Happy Birthday, Momo! We love you!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Today is video day! I'm uploading several videos from the last month. Hope you enjoy! We're starting off with Robert and Jake. Robert is fascinated by the animals now, and if they're in the room, chances are, Robert is watching them intently.

This one is just funny. Robert was having a fit because Mommy had decreed that it was tummy time. I thought it was hilarious that he looked up to see if I was paying attention, saw the video camera, got distracted, and then remembered he was mad.

Robert has learned a new noise. He screeches now. At first it was cute, but then he decided he liked doing it, so this day he was doing it every few minutes. He's cut back a bit, for which Mommy is eternally grateful.

Robert has gotten really good at sitting by himself. He rarely falls over anymore unless he wants to, which is hilarious. He'll fall over and just laugh. I think he thinks that scaring Mommy is funny.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Robert has started getting his baths in the big tub. Since he can sit up so well now, I thought I'd try it out. He loves it. He figured out that he can scoot on his butt, and so he'll scoot up and down the tub. One of these days, I'll remember to charge the video camera, and I'll get it on film. But until then, you'll just have to make do with some pictures!

He just would not look at me, so sorry I don't have any face shots. But they are pictures of chunky baby thighs! Don't you want to just eat them all up?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Happy Birthday!
Today is Auntie Jill's birthday! Happy Birthday Auntie Jill! Robert made you a sign, cause, you know, that's what he does. Sorry if it's a little wrinkled, he kept trying to taste it to make sure it was ok, and I kept taking it away from him.

Om nom nom birthday sign!

Birthdays are fun!

Monday, September 13, 2010


Today was the day that I decided that Robert needed to learn how to ride the dog. We started off easy, with Jake laying down. They are so stinkin' cute together, I just can't get over it. Jake has learned that if he sticks his head under Robert's hand, Robert will "pet" him. Robert has learned that if Jake comes over to sniff him, he can almost get Jake's nose into his mouth. So I have to be very careful when they get together. A momentary lapse on my part means that the baby gets a bath with the dog tongue, or vice versa.

Just. A. Little. Closer!
Don't mess with me. My attack doggie will get you with his laser eyes!
The best part of it all was that Jake just laid there. He didn't move, didn't' try to get away. Granted, he didn't want his picture taken, so it took me several tries, but I was so proud of him. He's such a sweet boy.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Joab was making faces trying to get him to smile. This was the result.

I put him down for a nap on our bed, and when I went back in to check on him, this is what I saw. I almost woke him up laughing.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I have to hurry with this post, otherwise the title will be wrong! I've been meaning to get another post up, but I've been procrastinating. I got yelled at today though, so here are some new pictures!

Who doesn't love a happy baby?

These are MY TOYS. You can't have them.
Let me think about it.
Well, ok, I guess maybe, you can.
Just don't touch my rings!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Some exciting news on the Robert front: He rolled over! All by himself! No help from anybody! This is just an exclamation point kind of thing!! He did it 10 seconds before I had the camera ready. I saw him getting ready to and reached for the camera, but before I could turn it on, he was on his back.
Rabid Baby
Something Robert has gotten really good at is blowing spit bubbles. My little man is so smart! He did such a good job today that he looked like he was foaming at the mouth, and it made me laugh, so I had to get a picture of the rabid baby.
How dare you call me rabid!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I'm five months old today!

I say this every month, but seriously, where does the time go? I remember when he and that Pooh Bear were the same size. This month, Robert found his feet and learned to sit unassisted(yay!). He went from sleeping through the night to waking several times(boo!). He also started taking his medicine like a little champ, going so far as to suck the stuff right out of the syringe(yummy, yummy peppermint). Next, we get him to roll over!