Wednesday, April 27, 2011

4-27-11 Part 2

Robert decided to help Papa with the laundry.

Robert's "Nana Call". You know, where you go "ahhhh" and pat your hand on your mouth.

Gimme that camera!

This is how he sleeps most of the time.

Nana, Robert, Papa, and Nana's spiffy new car.

Robert and Papa looking at the birds.

Nana and Robert

Robert loves his Nana.

I love this picture. Papa quickly became one of Robert's favorite people.


Think he'll play football when he gets older?

Or maybe a drummer. He was going to town on that stool like nobody's business!

I imagine his first school picture will look very similar to this one.

That's not my lion! The tail, it's too fluffy!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


More birthday pictures:
Let me show you around my birthday presents.

I'll let you play with it 'cause you're so pretty.

What you don't see is the 3 adults jumping up and down trying to get the babies to look at the camera.


Before +10 seconds

AFTER, or I think I'll put icing in my ear.

Target successfully decimated.

He doesn't look like he's enjoying that at all, does he?
And now, zoo pictures! We took some of animals, but this is a Robert blog, not an animal blog, so you won't see those here.
I'm too cool for the camera in my oh-so-cute monkey overalls.

Robert and Papa watching the coati (I think).

That's one big tortoise!

Robert and Papa watching the birds.

Almost there...

Just a little further!

Wow! Nana, did you see the size of that thing?

Look at all the fish!

Monday, April 4, 2011


I waited until today to post pictures of Robert's birthday so that I would have the latest stats from his doctor's visit. He's now 24 pounds even and 30.25 inches long. For those of you wondering about percentiles, that's high 60's for both. Dr. Albert said he's healthy, and gave us the go ahead to transition him to cow's milk, as well as lifting all his food restrictions with the exception of peanuts.

We had a small get-together on Saturday to celebrate his birthday, and lots of fun was had by all. Robert and Kelly played with all his toys. They especially loved the blocks.

Then, we had cake. Robert got his own, and was thrilled by it!
This was just the beginning

Oh my.
The "Adult" cake... was made out of cupcakes.
We have a video that we'll post soon so that you can see Robert in action. He was a little hesitant at first, but then he really got the hang of it. By the end, he had eaten about 1/3 of the cake and was covered in green frosting. I do mean covered. From the top of his head to his feet (I have no idea how he got frosting on his feet). So then it was bath time, followed by presents!

First, he opened the gift from Nana and Papa. It's a pillow, it's a pet, it's a Pillow Pet!
What's in here?

It's a dog!

Oh, I just LOVE it!
That last one is Robert's newest (and cutest) "trick". He loves on everything. He'll lay his head on you, or the dog, or whatever it is he's loving at the moment and then he'll pat it. He's such a sweet baby.

Next came Kelly's present to Robert. It was two of the cutest little books ever. He absolutely loves them and was carrying them everywhere today.
What's this in here?

It's a lion, rawr!

The we opened the present that the Penningtons had sent us (feel better soon!). Inside was lots of fun stuff. There was a top that does all sorts of things, a book and a pair of monkey overalls (that I didn't see until I put up the camera, but were just perfect for our trip to the zoo on Sunday).

Hmm.. what's this?


Shortly after this picture was taken he got mad at me because I didn't get it out of the box fast enough.

That concludes this blog post. I hope you enjoyed it! Tomorrow I'm going to get the pictures from our trip to the San Antonio Zoo up. So stay tuned!