Saturday, February 26, 2011


It's been a busy few weeks here. There have been quite a few "firsts" for Robert. He's standing on his own now. Not only that, but can stand up in the middle of the floor without pulling up on anything like a pro! Very seldom, he'll take a quick step on his own before falling down, so I think that walking is probably just around the corner. He started clapping and waving (when it suits him). Within the last few days, he's started giving "fives". Just this morning, he figured out how to open the cabinet all the way, so we let him play around with the pots inside, and he had quite a time throwing them on the floor. They made such a lovely loud noise! We took him to a park for the first time. I wanted to find some swings, but after going to three different playgrounds, we gave up and took him down the slide instead.
He also figured out his sippy cup, and watching him use it is sometimes hilarious. Instead of just flipping the cup around if it's upside-down, he'll twist his arms around, and ends up looking like a little Robert pretzel. Of course, he wouldn't do it so that I could take a picture of it. Silly baby.
Mmm, water!

This here is my sippy cup.

We went to the doctor yesterday to find out that Robert has another raging ear infection (in both ears), in spite of the fact that he'd been on antibiotics for the last 6 days. So she prescribed yet a different antibiotic (for those keeping count, this is number 3), and we have an appointment to go back in two weeks. I'm starting to wonder if we shouldn't go ahead and see a pediatric ENT about some tubes.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011



So much fun!

Friday, February 4, 2011


I bet y'all thought I forgot. Well, I didn't, I've just been lazy. So there.

February 1st was the day that Robert turned 10 months old! As you can see from the video, he's learned a new sound! Now he says mamamama all the time, instead of dadadadada. That makes me happy, and his daddy not so much. He's standing by himself (no support), and once, I saw him stand up without pulling up on anything! We've been trying all sorts of different foods, and so far, his favorite is his puffs. I swear, one day, that boy is going to turn into a puff. He still doesn't like chunks in his smooth stuff, but the other day I got him to eat a third of a jar of spaghetti w/ meat sauce. Progress! He still loves his race track and his dinosaur, but now, he'll push anything around that will slide. That includes, but it is not limited to, his piano, shoe boxes, his Xbox controller, and the TV remote. He loves bath time, and has started laying on his tummy and sticking his face in the water. Not all of it, just the lower part, and then tries to drink the bathwater. Today, we played "roll the ball", well, I rolled it to him, and the threw it back at me.

Earlier this week, Robert started acting like he had another ear infection, so I took him to the doctor. Turns out he doesn't not have an ear infection (thank goodness!), it's just all four of his top front teeth coming in at the same time. Poor child.

What? These are my shoes, they fit my whole leg.
 One of his newest obsessions is shoes. He plays with my shoes, his daddy's shoes, anybody's shoes he can get his hands on.

Here are the 10 month Winnie the Pooh pictures:
Hello there, Pooh.

You don't talk much, do ya?

Come now, don't be shy!

Sit up straight! You're slouching!

Come give us a hug!

This is so much fun!

 I don't know if you could tell or not, but he would not stay still or look at me for anything, so I thought that maybe I would put him in his crib and see if I could get him to hold Pooh. This is what I got:

This is MY crib, you get out!
I know this next one is a little blurry, but it's my all time favorite face. It's his, "My name is Robert, and I approve of this." face. He makes it when he's happy.
*sniff sniff sniff*
Also this month, Robert got in a fight with the floor. Unfortunately, the floor won this round, but Robert vowed he'd get the floor next time.


He's a real Daddy's boy, this child of ours. He hates when Daddy leaves in the morning, and stops whatever he's doing and crawls as fast as his little arms and legs will take him to the door when Daddy gets home in the evening. It's really very cute.
Looking for Daddy