Monday, August 30, 2010


Two exciting things happened this week. Number one: Robert finally found his feet, and now we can't get him to let go of them. This makes things especially hard when we're trying to change his diaper. Number two: He can sit up by himself for fairly long stretches of time!

The following is a video of Robert sitting up by himself, trying to eat the sheets on our bed.

He was doing just fine until daddy pushed him over!

He's a pro at sticking out his tongue!
 I'm still learning how to get the pictures from my iPhone to cooperate, and obviously, I failed this time, but just cock your head to the side and pretend for me.

Daddy and feet! What could be better?!
Now if I can just remember what I did for this one, all will be well with the world.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Holy cow, two days in a row! Anywho, The pictures that follow are me trying to get artsy with the iPhone. Not quite sure it worked, but here they are, enjoy!

It's so hard being a baby.
I see you back there, you can't fool me!
What on earth are you DOING back there?
Ok woman, you can't fool me, that's a CAMERA!
Ok, so this last one is just a sleeping baby, but sometimes, they're at their cutest when they're sleeping.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Can you do anything BESIDES pointing that camera at me?
I swear to you, that .5 seconds before a took this picture, he was smiling adorably up at his daddy. True to his nature, however, as soon as he got an inkling that Mommy had the camera out he morphed into baby-that-always-looks-serious-on-camera.

I think this was a "guh".
Here we have Robert actually telling me to get the darn camera out of his face. I also want to point out the exceptionally cute onesie he's wearing. Of course I think he looks good in everything, but for some reason, I think he's especially handsome in stripes.

Insert witty caption here.

Lastly, he can touch the floor!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Hi! Did you miss us? I know you did. We went to Georgia last week to visit Nana, Papa and Kyle, Momo and Grandpoppy, and as much of our family as possible. I didn't snap a whole lot of pictures (it was a busy week!), but here are a few to hold you over until I get the pictures that other people took.

Shh! I'm sleeping!
I don't remember where we had just gotten back from, but this really tickled me.

Robert and Grandpoppy
On Sunday, we went to go visit Momo and Grandpoppy (my grandparents). They threw a big party so that everyone could meet Robert. My aunts and uncles and cousins all came to see him. It was great fun, and made me realize just how much I really miss being close to family.

Robert and Momo

We spent the night there Sunday night, and on Monday, we went shopping with Momo and Nana. JCPenney's was having a sale on their baby clothes, so Robert got one of everything! You can't beat $1.50 per item, can you?

On Tuesday, we went to the hospital so that Nana could show off her grandbaby. Robert was charming everyone he met with his big blue eyes. Then we went to lunch at La Parilla with Papa, and then we went to upgrade our cell phones. The one I had was 5 or 6 years old, so it was time. I ended up getting an iPhone, and spent a good chunk of time after we got home taking pictures.
I have about 20 versions of this picture. He's so darn cute in his little hats.

Yeah, I'm upside down, so?

I really wanted to post this picture in the correct orientation, but for whatever reason, my photo editing software is refusing to rotate only this particular picture. So here it is anyway, upside down Robert!

Me and my Auntie Jill
On Wednesday, we went up to Clayton State to see Auntie Jill and Miss Tammy. Miss Tammy took lots of pictures, and they're all absolutely awesome. She has a really good eye, and I really love the photo manipulation she does. (Thank you so so much Tammy! If you live near Atlanta (and even if you don't!), I would definitely recommend her, here's her website: T. Wilson Photography)

Look how pretty my eyes are!
 Then Robert stayed with Nana and Papa while I went with Jill to go see Inception. I thought it was a really good movie.

On Thursday, Momo and Grandpoppy came to visit again, and we went to lunch at Picadilly's. I haven't been there in FOREVER, and it seemed like old times, when it used to be in Southlake Mall, and we would go there to eat. Then we went out to dinner with some old friends of mine. When I say old, I mean that I haven't seen Lisa and Keri in about 20 years. I don't really feel like I should be old enough to not have seen someone in that long, but apparently, I am. Robert spent his time flirting with Lisa's daughter Evelyn while their mommies caught up on the last couple of decades.
From left to right: Evelyn, Lisa, Me, Robert, Kloe, Keri

Robert and Uncle Kyle
Friday we just hung out at Nana and Papa's house. But for dinner, we met uncle Kyle at Carrabba's. I've had several people tell me that Robert looks just like Kyle, but I've never been good at deciding who my baby looks like, but here's a picture, what do you think?

Robert and Papa
Before we knew it, Saturday had come and it was time for us to go home. Nana and Papa treated us to lunch at Chili's, and Papa had a good ole' time making Robert dance on the table. I must say, Robert had a good ole' time doing it!

Then it was off to the airport to fly home. Our plane was delayed by half an hour, but it wasn't so bad. Robert slept the first half of the flight and then woke up and started crying, so we spent the last half of the flight swaying and bouncing in the aisle. Luckily, Robert fell asleep again right before we began the descent, so he slept through the ear popping. We found Daddy by the baggage claim, and we were both so happy to see him!
Is that really you?

Thursday, August 12, 2010


This is another item that was given to Robert from our friends Angie and Tom in Wisconsin. As you can see, the shirt does not lie.
This is a random picture I took. I thought I'd stick him up in the playpen in his bumbo seat and let him look around. He was more interested in his toys!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


This is what it looks like when I wear the baby. I'm not an expert at tying the wrap yet, but I do pretty well. We took it for a test run to Kohl's last weekend, and it worked really well. It was definitely easier than trying to maneuver the stroller around. The only part that was annoying was having to take him in and out of his car seat. It's definitely much easier (and heavier) to just grab the baby in the car seat and attach it to the stroller. Robert, however, loved it. He was looking around at everything. I loved all the strange looks we were getting. I had his feet tucked up inside the wrap, so it looked like I was pregnant, with a baby head sticking out of my shirt.

And now for a segment titled "Fun in the Bath"

Mmmm... Fingers.
Why on Earth did you put these bubbles on my head?!
Never mind, I LOVE BUBBLES!
Oops! You may want to hold your breath.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Man, I'm getting kinda bad at this updating thing! I feel like we just had the busiest week, but for the life of me, I can't think of why. Oh well, on to the pictures!

Today's blog entry is brought to you by the letter 'D' and the num.. Oh my goodness would you look at those thighs?! I also like the duck head on the bottom. 

Daddy is teaching Robert how to play video games early. Robert's already such a pro that he can play the Wii with his toes!

And last, but by no means least:
This is my fish face.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Robert had his 4 month check up yesterday. He was charming all of the nurses, grinning at them and then hiding his face like he was shy. He's now 16 pounds, 5 oz (80%), and 24.5 inches long (50%). He's got a heat rash and some eczema, my poor baby has very sensitive skin. Otherwise, he's very healthy. He took his vaccinations like a little trooper, only crying for a few seconds after he got poked. Robert reacted to this round much better than his two month vaccinations, his leg didn't get swollen, and he seemed to be his normal happy self (most of the time). He did sleep a little more than normal, but that was ok, it allowed me to get a nap in!

The Return of Monkey!
Monkey had to go on a vacation to the laundry room for a few days, but he's back! And we couldn't be happier! This just seems like an exclamation point kind of story! First thing Robert did was see how much of Monkey he could shove into his mouth.

This? This is nothing, I can lift Mommy over my head with one finger.
Baby Tongue!!!!!

We had a photo shoot in the bumbo earlier. Robert was doing reps with is rattle, seeing if he could get it in his mouth. Most of the time, however, he just ended up sticking his tongue out and licking it which makes for a very cute picture.

On August 14th, Robert and I are going to visit our GA family for a whole week! We're very excited! So on Sunday, I ordered a Moby Wrap to help with the traveling. I figured that wearing the baby through security would be easier than trying to hold the baby and get everything through the x-ray machine.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Robert is telling me how upset he is about something. I think it's probably that he knows the video camera is on even though I'm not holding it (Nice try Mom!). Also, as you'll see at the end, he's started snorting when he cries. It's so cute! He's turning into my little piggy. I mean seriously, look at those cheeks!

This is Robert's preferred method of sleeping. He likes putting stuff on his face. Doesn't matter when or where, if there's something to put on his face, he does it.

And finally, Robert is 4 months old today! I can't believe it. It seems like forever ago, and no time at all that he was born. Look how much bigger he is than the Pooh Bear! I can't really tell how big he's getting since I see him every day, but looking at this picture and the one I took 2 months ago, I can really tell a difference!

We went to the mall today, and we were riding on the elevator with two teenage boys and two older ladies. The older ladies were trying to get Robert's attention, and lavishing him with praise. The boys were just kind of standing there. Well, Robert was fascinated with the boys and watched them the whole time. About 3/4 of the way through the ride, Robert decided he was terrified of one of the boys in particular, and out came the lip, and then the screams. I wish I had had my camera with me, the look on that poor boy's face was priceless! He started saying "I'm sorry!" over and over again like he had actually done something wrong. I'm sorry to say that I was laughing too hard to reassure him that everything was ok!