Thursday, January 26, 2012


He's dancing here, but it looks like he's trying to fly.

He had gotten quiet, and this is what I found. All the toys out of the box, and Robert in the box.


I missed one!

From tonight in the bath. His new phrase is, "I hold it", and when I said no to him holding the camera, he got upset.

Serious baby is serious.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


He's really enjoying Momo's chocolate covered pretzels. Don't know why it didn't show up on the camera but there was chocolate EVERYWHERE.

"This is how you eat a hot dog." Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Then we just go straight for the ketchup.

Rockin' out with Ryler
They were going to town.

Brushing his hair. Isn't he handsome?

I just love when he does this. Especially after I've asked him a question.


Robert says, "Mou"

"Helping" Daddy do his laundry.

Just once, I'd like to take a picture of him smiling, with his eyes OPEN.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


"Cheeeeeeeeeeeee!" break.

If one is good, two must be better.

Hmm... Which one to use?
Gotta get the paper just right!

Think I'll try my left hand for a while.

All done!

Ok, maybe not quite.

This isn't the best picture of Robert, but I was trying to show how red his face got after running in circles around the kitchen island for a good 20 minutes chasing Mama, Dada, and Dawg.
Another "Cheeee!" break.

Oh no! Not more pictures!

I told you before, turn that thing off!

He's going to be more tech savvy than his father or I at this rate.

See? You press this button right here and it plays music.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Happy New Year! I got a new camera for Christmas (Thanks Mom and Dad!), so I decided to actually try and take pictures. In fact, it's my New Year's resolution, to update this thing more. Robert is still in to everything, and won't stop moving unless Elmo, or his new favorite movie, Cars 2 (Thanks, Kinards!), is on the TV. Even then he doesn't sit still very long. We got him a slide for Christmas, and he went from being terrified of it to confidently climbing up the ladder and whooshing down yelling "Wheee!" in all of an hour and a half. He's started eating by himself now, with a fork and/or spoon. In fact, he won't let us feed him at all. Needless to say, dinner is a much longer and messier affair.

He got a work bench from Nana and Papa.

Me: Say Cheese! Him: Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Righty tighty, lefty loosey!

I don't know what's up with his hand, but he looks supremely amused by Cars.

Just chillin, watchin my Cars, eatin my apples!

Tonight with his before bed milk. Like I always say, everyone can use a big baby head!
Here's a couple more big baby head pictures, just for fun!

This is Nana and Papa's Christmas tree right here!

Hey, how you doin?