Saturday, June 11, 2011


This is Robert's new favorite face. He does it sometimes when he's mad, but mostly he does it to make me laugh, which is why the pictures are so blurry.

Scowling at Mommy.

Scowling at Daddy.

Just kidding, I ain't mad at ya!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


These are Gramma's shoes.

This is Paw's shoe, it's as big as I am!

Coloring with Daddy and Paw at Pluckers.

Oh yeah, I'm cool.

I helped Mommy pull weeds, and I found a stick.

It's a really neat stick, see?

I can wave it around.

It came from over there.

Robert and Daddy and Jake.

Feeding himself Paw's refried beans at the Texican.

Ok, I think I want some of my quesadilla.

Nope, more beans!

Two spoons!

Nom nom nom

By this point, there were beans EVERYWHERE.