Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I know I've been slacking, but to make up for it, here's a video of Robert showing off his head holding up skills, and also, a surprise near the end. He's been super fussy today, mostly he just ate and slept. Normally the sleeping baby would be great because I would get to take a nap. However, he would sleep nowhere but on me. Every time I put him down he would immediately wake up and scream. So we cuddled all day, which was kind of nice.

On another happier note, our little man is sleeping through the night. All the way through. We put him down between 9 and 10, and he wakes up at 7. It's awesome. When we first moved him into his room, we moved the bassinet in there too, hoping that the familiar bed in the unfamiliar room would help. Alas, he woke up at 2:30 and 5:30, and that wasn't exactly how I had planned my Saturday morning. So I figured that if I was going to have to wake up several times anyway, I'd just go ahead and put him in the crib. To my surprise, he slept all the way through the night. I woke up at 7 with my heart pounding, wondering if he was ok, and he was just laying there, talking to his monkey mobile waiting for me to come get him!


  1. Yay! So happy to hear that he's letting you guys get some rest! Mason sleeps through the night probably 5 times a week and it's SO much better than the nights of the 3 am and 5 am wake-up!

  2. I can clearly remember the feelings of panic, waking up WHEN THE SUN WAS UP...dashing in to check on the baby. I'm so glad y'all are finally getting at least *some* rest. Miss you all!
