Saturday, August 7, 2010


Man, I'm getting kinda bad at this updating thing! I feel like we just had the busiest week, but for the life of me, I can't think of why. Oh well, on to the pictures!

Today's blog entry is brought to you by the letter 'D' and the num.. Oh my goodness would you look at those thighs?! I also like the duck head on the bottom. 

Daddy is teaching Robert how to play video games early. Robert's already such a pro that he can play the Wii with his toes!

And last, but by no means least:
This is my fish face.


  1. We love your posts - we understand about time getting away - we don't seem to have time either!

    Have fun on your trip to GA.
    Bill and Olga

  2. Adorable duck butt!

    How does he like his jumperoo? Mason can't quite reach so he hasn't figured it out yet, but I'm sure he soon will!

  3. We are so excited about our trip to GA, 6 days to go!

    He likes his jumperoo most of the time, he'll stay in it between 10 and 15 minutes before he starts getting frustrated because he can only barely reach the ground. He loves when I bounce it for him though!
