Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Robert had his 4 month check up yesterday. He was charming all of the nurses, grinning at them and then hiding his face like he was shy. He's now 16 pounds, 5 oz (80%), and 24.5 inches long (50%). He's got a heat rash and some eczema, my poor baby has very sensitive skin. Otherwise, he's very healthy. He took his vaccinations like a little trooper, only crying for a few seconds after he got poked. Robert reacted to this round much better than his two month vaccinations, his leg didn't get swollen, and he seemed to be his normal happy self (most of the time). He did sleep a little more than normal, but that was ok, it allowed me to get a nap in!

The Return of Monkey!
Monkey had to go on a vacation to the laundry room for a few days, but he's back! And we couldn't be happier! This just seems like an exclamation point kind of story! First thing Robert did was see how much of Monkey he could shove into his mouth.

This? This is nothing, I can lift Mommy over my head with one finger.
Baby Tongue!!!!!

We had a photo shoot in the bumbo earlier. Robert was doing reps with is rattle, seeing if he could get it in his mouth. Most of the time, however, he just ended up sticking his tongue out and licking it which makes for a very cute picture.

On August 14th, Robert and I are going to visit our GA family for a whole week! We're very excited! So on Sunday, I ordered a Moby Wrap to help with the traveling. I figured that wearing the baby through security would be easier than trying to hold the baby and get everything through the x-ray machine.


  1. He's such a little cutie!! Mason was 50% for both height and weight as his appointment. My average little man. LOL Have you gotten your Moby Wrap yet? Curious what you think of it!

  2. I got it in the mail on Friday, so far so good. I haven't had a chance to test it in public though, but Robert seems to like being worn around the house (Going to do that later today because I need to look for a shirt that will make BF in public easier). He's not much into me sitting with it on though, then again, he doesn't like when we sit without the Moby!
